

Gospel Community Groups meet in homes and are the place where we grow deeper spiritually, connect relationally with one another, and engage our community on mission for the Gospel.  The people and relationships we surround ourselves with matter. The Church is to be the home of the deepest relationships, that come alongside someone in both their brokenness and their joy. Our Gospel Communities are to be the places where these bonds form.

Groups meet weekly but gather all together on the 4th Wednesday of the month for worship together from 6:30-8:00PM


Our Mission is to Connect Relationally, Grow Spiritually, and Engage Missionally. These are the three core missions each Gospel Community should be actively pursuing.

Connecting Relationally through fun activities, trips, game nights, and other organic things you would do with your friends. The mission is to connect with each other on more than a shallow level. The people in our church body, and increasingly so our Gospel Communities should be those we go to with our struggles, our dreams, and our needs. When we have this foundation of relationship we can increasingly grow spiritually together. 

Growing Spiritually through study and discussion of the current sermon series or another topic is another vital mission of Gospel Community. When we sit down to work through God’s word together we expose ourselves and our vulnerabilities to one another and to the Spirit’s power. Discussing the sermon series helps all the GC’s be united with what they are hearing at the Sunday Gathering. Our relationship and Spiritual depth together then must lead us to action outside of our comfort zones. 

Engaging Missionally is something every GC should be involved in. We must step out into our city and be actively involved in meeting physical need and breaking down barriers of spiritual darkness. This means each GC adopting a mission opportunity in our city as a reoccurring outreach opportunity.