We will be transitioning for 6 weeks starting on August 23rd to outdoor gatherings each Sunday from 9:30-10:30AM.
We encourage you to make plans to attend! Each gathering is going to be a fun tailgate experience with worship, stories of what God is doing, and a message from God's word.
There are exciting outdoor games and short devo times for Fellowship Kids age 4 and up each Sunday! Childcare is available for those under 4 indoors or as always you are welcome to have your kids hang out with you during the gathering.
After each gathering we will play games and hangout together because God's people are to be a people of joy even in the midst of difficult seasons.
Please not only make plans to attend , but INVITE your friends to be a part! We can't wait to come back together for these special gatherings.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: September 13
Sunday Outdoor Gathering | Sept 13, 2020
Later Event: September 22
Women's Front Porch Bible Study